WATCH. Gov. Bong Lacson attended today as guest to the 21st Alumni Homecoming of Manapla National High School.

Governor Bong Lacson attended the 21st Alumni Homecoming of Manapla National High School in the Municipality of Manapla Saturday, August 20, 2022, as guest speaker.
The governor was welcomed by the alumni association, school administration, and Manapla Mayor Manuel Escalante III.
“To all our alumni, as you celebrate the accomplishments you have achieved, may that serve as an inspiration for you to do more and to give back to your Alma Mater,” he said.
“Today, as we celebrate your success and the success of your dear alma mater, we remember the challenges and the victories you had over the years; particularly the support and hard work of everyone from the past and present, who without them, the MNHS would not be as relevant to the Municipality of Manapla and to the province as it is now,” he added.