Gov. Bong Lacson signed a Memorandum of Agreement with 25 grantees of Diploma in Environment and Green Technology Education (DEGTE) Scholarship Program.

The grantees are employees from the Provincial Environment Management Office (PEMO) and from other LGUs of the province.

The signing was held at the Governor’s Office yesterday, September 12, 2022, in the presence of Negros Occ. Scholarship Program Head, Karen Dinsay, and PEMO Head, Atty. Julie Ann Bedrio, who is also one of the scholarship grantees.

Gov. Lacson said that the scholarship is a big step towards the provincial government’s goal of promoting environmental education and making it accessible to government employees who are environment practitioners.

DEGTE is a one-year cycle scholarship with a total of 28 units divided into three terms. The schedule of classes will be every Saturday and Sunday only, and the modes of instructional delivery will be fully online and it will be a combination of synchronous and asynchronous sessions.

DEGTE is designed to respond to the needs of professionals and practitioners for continuing professional development in Environment and Green Technology Education, aimed at developing their knowledge and skills, values and attitudes towards environmental protection, conservation, and sustainability.

Gov. Lacson had earlier signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Philippine Normal University for the said scholarship program.
